-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The source code of : arm_biquad_cascade_df1_fast_q15_M0_fwd_asm.asm arm_biquad_cascade_df1_fast_q15_M0_fwd_asm.c was tar'd and ciphered to the file : src.tar.gz This file was ciphered with to a binary file : src_biq_m0.otp This last file was converted to ASCII text using base64 : src_biq_m0.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To recover the binary file from the base64 TXT format you type: base64 -d src_biq_m0.txt > src_biq_m0.otp To decipher the binary format you need the file "key2.jpg" sent by email after payment or contract signature. The command is : perl xor_img.pl src_biq_m0.otp key2.jpg src.tar.gz or using the program XOR (http://firmware-developments.com/WEB/P6x/XOR) XOR.exe src_biq_m0.otp key2.jpg src.tar.gz Finally the source code is untar'd using the command: tar xvfz src.tar.gz --------------------------------------------------------------------------